hololive Indonesia-id:entity voices

hololive Indonesia-id:entity voices


Dengarkanlah Suaraku

Berdiri di tengah terangnya kilau cahaya
Kami serukan kepada dunia

Mengudara tuk hari ini
Bagian dari diri yang mana kah
Yang harus kutunjukkan
Ku tak dapat pernah memutuskan

Lalu suatu hari
Pesan-pesan berdatangan
Kata-kata perih membuatku
Kehilangan arah

Senyuman di balik layar
Sanggup kah untuk ku pertahankan?
Tak pernah ingin kecewakan
S​i​a​p​a​p​u​n di luar sana​

Namun di saat banyaknya suara​
Mana kah yang ‘ku harus dengar?

Mencoba mendengarkan
​Suara di dalam hati
Inilah diri yang ingin
Ku selalu tunjukkan
Berbagai suara yang berpadu
Dan menjadi satu id:entity

Hari-hari berlalu
Dan sekarang ‘ku di sini
Berdiri di tepi panggung ini
Menyambut dunia

Tetapi! ‘Ku tak sendiri​
Bersama lainnya sekarang
Seakan seperti kеluarga
Bersatu dalam perbedaan

Namun di saat banyaknya pеrbedaan
Dapat kah harmoni tercipta?

Bergandengan tangan
Berjuang raih mimpi bersama
Semua bersorak
Dengan suara gempita
Menyebarkan kebahagiaan
Dia mana pun itu, bergemalah

Panggung yang lebih besar
Kini menunggu
Waktunya telah tiba
Tanpa adanya ragu

Dengan semua warna suara
Menjadi harmoni sebenarnya

Hilanglah semua
Rasa bimbang di hati
Inilah diri yang ingin
Ku selalu tunjukkan

Berbagai suara yang berpadu
Dalam perbedaan
Takkan pernah tergoyahkan
Dan menjadi satu id:entity

Kita kan jumpa lagi


Hear out my voice

Standing in the middle of the bright spotlight
Good morning! Good evening!
To the whole world we shout

As for going live today
Which part of me would be best
To show to the whole world?
Like always i can never decide

And then one day
Messages came flooding in
But the hurtful words written on them
Made me lose my way

The smile hidden behind this scene
Will i be able to keep it up?
I never want to disappoint
Anyone out there ever again

But among all these voices around me
Which one of them should i listen to?

Trying to hear out
The voices that's inside my heart
This is the 'me' that i always
Want to show from here on out
The different voices start to meld
And become one id:entity

The days go by
And now i've finally made it
Standing at the edge of this stage
Greeting the whole world

However! I'm not alone anymore
With the others here together with me
Almost like a family
United in spite of our differences

But when all these differences exist
Will harmony be possible?

Joining together our hands
Striving together to reach our dreams
Everyone cheering here and there
With our loudest and most joyful voices
We're going to spread happiness
Wherever it may be, resonate

A bigger stage
Awaits us
The time has come
Without hesitation no longer 

With all the colors of our voices
They will become the one true harmony

All of this restlessness in our hearts
Are finally all fading away
This is the 'me' that we always
Want to show from here on out

The different voices start to meld
Despite their differences
They will never waver
And become one id:entity

Good morning! Good evening!
Nice work for today!
Good morning! Good evening!
We will surely meet again

Music Video:

Japanese Version:

Instrumental Version:

#hololiveIndonesia #id:entityvoices #OriginalSong #VirtualYoutuber #PavoliaReine #AnyaMelfissa #KureijiOllie #AiraniIofifteen #MoonaHoshinova #AyundaRisu
